Calisto Construction provides an integrated, individual approach to the design of objects of varying complexity.
We provide the services of an architect – for the design of functional structures for various purposes.
Not only the durability, reliability and comfort of the house, but also the duration of construction work depends on the quality of the architectural project.
The architects and designers of the Calisto Construction project company guarantee high-quality architectural design of buildings and structures – from pre-design development to designer supervision.
A draft design is an important stage in the creation of a project at which an idea for a future structure is determined. An architectural sketch design is a package of documents that, if necessary, must be ordered separately.
- Design of hotels and restaurants
We do architectural design of hotel and restaurant complexes of varying complexity. The Calistro Constraction develops complex technical documentation on the basis of which the structure is created. The architectural design of hotels or restaurants is based on the principles of efficiency, reliability, aesthetics, durability, safety and ergonomics.
- Design of public buildings
- Design of warehouses, factories
The designers of the Calistro Construction are eagerly working on the creation of logistics and production complexes.
When designing storage facilities, one should take into account and consider: the wishes of customers and the purpose of the facility; the ratio of the building area to the size of the plot; the flow of goods and the planned load on the floor and of course the height of the train. It is also important to provide comfortable access roads for unloading and areas for maneuvers and parking for equipment.
What is included
- Selection of optimal solutions for the development of a construction project.
- Timely advice on all technical issues.
- Supervision over the implementation of certain construction and installation works.
- Selection of equipment and materials, taking into account the financial capabilities of the customer.
- Bringing design documentation to accepted standards.
- Coordination of documentation in specialized organizations.
- Training of installers for the successful implementation of a construction project.
- Evaluation of the results obtained.
What benefits you will get
- All questions are solved by certified specialists.
- Innovative technologies and the most advanced construction solutions are proposed and implemented.
- Technical supervision over the implementation of the adopted decisions is carried out.
- All actions are carried out in full accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
- The company's clients do not incur unreasonable spending.